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It’s time to redefine the word “Architect”.

It’s time to redefine the word “Architect”. Architects are not simply designers.They are conceptualizers of space and time,Manifestors of environments where memories will form.Architects are magicians, turning wishes into walls,Pixels into places, lines into landscapesWe could only dream of before. They frame voids. They bridge gaps.They connect the dots between this placeAnd one not yet known.They are sailors, pilots, astronauts,Guiding our collective vessel through the void,Aiming for a better future on a horizon they’ll help to shape. Architects are not simply designers.They are conjurers of atmosphere and emotion,Molding vibrant cauldrons in which history is made.Architects are more than sculptors,Weaving steel ribbons through thin airAnd growing concrete trees, stretching to the sky. They are three-dimensional painters,Leaving sweeping strokes of wood, glass,...

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